Austin, Texas: TCEA is pleased to announce Jessica Mays as the association’s newest member of its Board of Directors. As the Area 11 Director, Jessica will unite with 25 other educators to guide TCEA in its mission to advance teaching and learning through the use of technology and its vision of learning without limits.
Jessica is currently a member of TCEA and was the recipient of the TCEA 2020-2021 Jeri Hodges Leadership Scholarship. She has attended various TCEA events, including the Elementary Teacher Conference, the Area 12 FOCUS Conference, and Connected: Online and Blended Innovators (COBI). In addition, Jessica has presented at the TCEA Convention & Exposition.
Presently, Jessica is serving as a blended learning coordinator at Arlington ISD. She is also project manager for the Raising Blended Learners (RBL) grant, which the district was awarded through Raise Your Hand Texas. Prior to joining Arlington ISD, Jessica served as a digital learning specialist in Temple ISD and was also the project manager for the district’s RBL grant. She also has experience as a secondary ELAR teacher and department chair. Jessica co-founded the Texas Blended Learning Consortium, is a Google Certified Trainer, and holds a Flipped Learning Global Certification.