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Professional Learning with TCEA

Results-Based Learning to Meet Any Goal

You’re highly driven to do your best work. You’ve got goals – for your students, school, district, and for yourself. Well, TCEA is your trusted partner in growth!

Choose from a number of expert-led professional learning services, courses, webinars, and events and hone in on what matters most to you. Wanting to explore content-specific strategies? Maybe you’re looking to deepen your understanding of specific digital tools or platforms. Perhaps you’re searching for ways to save time, increase efficiency, and foster a better work-life balance!

Whether you’re wanting to grow as an individual or grow your school or district, we’ve got what you’re looking for.

Professional Learning  Services

TCEA can guide you through the strategic planning, decision making, and implementation of professional development programs, curriculum audits, technology plans, and more.


Starting at $39 a course, educators get one year of access to hassle-free, self-paced learning on a variety of relevant topics, strategies, platforms, and tools.


Weekly, recorded 30-minute Lunch and Learns offer you a mid-day breath of fresh air, connection with other educators, and new knowledge to implement immediately.


Through conferences, camps, TCEA’s Convention & Exposition, and more, you’ll expand your professional learning network, build your skillsets, and get energized in a way you didn’t know was possible.